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Esmé Higgon


  • Aerial Hoop,


Esmé wanted to attend NCS ever since she was ten years old. She grew up in competitive sports, but always found the world of circus to be captivating. She’s grateful to have attained her childhood dream, and to have spent five of her formative years at the School. While she was at NCS, she learned discipline, patience, and perseverance, and is very thankful for the teachers that pushed her to be her best. She’s graduating with a specialty of aerial hoop and a minor in Chinese pole.


What does the NCS represent for you?

For me, NCS represents accomplishment. Just to be accepted into the School is an accomplishment of its own, but it’s really the little things that meant the most to me. Finishing every year was an accomplishment, each semester was an accomplishment, every day was an accomplishment. There were days when even finishing a particular class felt like an accomplishment. Throughout all the injuries, creations, presentations, exams, shows, torturous flex classes, and every little thing in between, what kept me going was the feeling of achievement, knowing I got through it before, and will get through it again. NCS has taught me that I am capable of anything, and for that, I am grateful.


What is your favorite memory of the NCS?

My favourite memory of my time at NCS is the pre-show rituals we would do before our show in second year. One of my good friends started across the stage from me, and I remember how we’d silently communicate, wishing each other luck from our opposite wings. I’m appreciative of how happy he helped me be before each show, and I had so much fun doing little TikTok dances, holding up hearts, and always mouthing the words to “Running up that Hill” by Kate Bush as we waited for our cues to begin.


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