
Since 1993, the Foundation has raised over $7 million from generous donors and partners. Their support is essential, as it contributes to the development of the next generation of circus artists and to the growth of this talent pool that is the NCS. Indeed, thanks to the Foundation’s support, the NCS can pursue its educational mission, to carry out innovative projects and to offer high-end education to the next generation of circus artists.

In addition, donations allow the Foundation to maintain its financial assistance program and to ensure that NCS students have access to health services adapted to their needs. Donors’ contributions also allow the Foundation to update its equipment, maintain its practice spaces and continue to invest in circus arts research.


Circus at School

Our objective

Developed by the NCS, the Circus at School project aims to introduce students aged 6 to 17 to circus arts. Following an inclusive and non-competitive approach, the Circus at School activities are accessible to all young people, regardless of their physical, intellectual or social abilities.

Your donations will allow elementary school students to be introduced to the practice of circus arts.

By January 2024, the ÉNC will be supporting and accompanying over 1,500 young people in two primary schools and one secondary school in the Saint-Michel district.

Your impact

By supporting Circus at School, you help young people develop their confidence and acquire healthy lifestyle habits.

In addition, you enable the NCS to train qualified physical education teachers and to provide the materials needed for elementary schools to participate in activities.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab

Our objective

Initially launched as a pilot project, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab aims to enable the marketing of innovative projects in the performing arts sector. It aims to support project leaders from all backgrounds throughout the experimentation and/or proof-of-concept phases. Participants can thus carry out an innovative project with the support of experts and mentors from the circus industry as well as CRITAC researchers.

Your donations will help offset the cost of these individuals’ participation in the entrepreneurship training.

Your impact

By supporting the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Lab, you are helping to foster the emergence, development, prototyping and commercialization of innovative initiatives in the circus and performing arts industry over the next few years.

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Support Fund

Fund for the New Circus Generation

Each year, the NCS Foundation provides scholarships to nearly 25 percent of its students. These scholarships, which can be as much as $4,000, help artists-in-training pay for their tuition and meet their basic needs.

Your impact

The scholarship program was established in 2006 through an endowment fund derived from private donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. This capital is invested in perpetuity and is protected to generate annual income and ensure a recurring distribution.

The donations received by the Foundation provide students with financial security and covers such things as the purchase of a computer, the average cost of a grocery basket and rent. The Foundation also has emergency funds to help students in exceptional circumstances.

Education and Excellence Fund

Thanks to this support fund, the Foundation invests in various artistic and creative NCS projects to provide a quality learning environment to artists-in-training. In addition, this fund contributes to the renewal of equipment and to adequately train the NCS teaching staff.

Circus Arts Knowledge Fund

The NCS is a focal point for the circus arts industry, offering unparalleled expertise, which is why it is important for the Foundation to contribute to the development of the NCS Library, one of the largest of its kind in the world.

The Circus Arts Knowledge Fund also allows the Foundation to support the innovative projects of the Center for Circus Arts Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer (CRITAC), whose work enriches the practice and teaching of circus arts.

School's General Fund

The NCS is constantly evolving. In this digital age, it must ensure that it offers high-calibre educational training to its artists-in-training to ensure the future of the next generation of circus artists, as well as the sustainability of circus arts. It is with this in mind that the general fund offers the NCS the possibility of investing in various projects according to its strategic priorities.


Fundraising Evening

The Fundraising Evening is a unique opportunity to celebrate the performing arts and support our young talents as they perform in front of an audience during the annual show, the flagship event of the school year.

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Thank you for your donation

The NCS Foundation would like to thank you, dear donors, for your generosity, which allows the NCS to continue to train the best emerging circus artists.

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To learn more about the National Circus School Foundation’s various projects, please contact Jean-Philippe Dugré, Director of Development and Partnerships, by email at [email protected].


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