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Isabella Majzun


  • Juggling,


Isabella Majzun grew up training and performing at Circus Harmony in St. Louis, Missouri. She spent four years as an acrobat with the St. Louis Arches and three summers with Circus Smirkus as a porter and juggler, before coming to Montreal to continue her studies at NCS. She is graduating with specialization in juggling and some knowledge of Chinese pole and duo acrobatics that she’s picked up along the way.


What does the NCS represent for you?

NCS has represented different things to me in my life. Before I came here, it represented success and accomplishment. In my mind, being accepted into NCS was all the validation you would ever need to be able to believe in yourself as a circus artist. However, since coming to school, my view has changed slightly. I now feel as though NCS represents more of a major challenge for me, and getting through my time here has required a massive amount of patience and growth. Over the past four years I have gone through many tough times, but in the end I have learned so much through this experience.


What is your favorite memory of the NCS?

My favorite memory at NCS was in the winter of 2021, right after the end of our December presentations, when a couple friends and I put on some music in an empty studio and started running around and dancing like crazy. We did this for almost an hour, and it was such an awesome way to celebrate the end of the session and let go of all our stress from the few weeks leading up to the presentations.


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