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Zoe Schubert


  • Aerial Straps,


Zoe Schubert is originally from the United Kingdom. The majority of her circus life has been spent at NCS. Before that she was an acro-sport gymnast competing for Great Britain. Since gymnastics she has discovered a new world, the circus, which she loves and learns from every day. Working with people and being part of a team is what brings her joy and being able to collaborate with like-minded creatives is rewarding. She looks forward to continuing this journey, expanding her skills and experiencing all that awaits her.


What does the NCS represent for you?

To me, the NCS is so much more than just an educational institution; it’s a place that pushes boundaries in every area to create the best version of you that you can be. With the incredible support of everyone who works at NCS, they challenge your potential that you never knew or thought you had.


What is your favorite memory of the NCS?

The first day of classes our last year. When all the students ran through the arm tunnel. That moment felt really special and I was proud to be part of the School, to have come so far. I reflected and was grateful for how lucky I was to be in this School, but I was also sad because we knew our time was coming to an end. Nevertheless, I know I’ve made connections that will stay with me for a very long time.


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