
The National Circus School Library is a key hub for circus arts research on a national and international scale. It provides circus artists, the NCS student community, the researchers and the public with access to important archival collections. Donors’ generous contributions are essential to the development and enrichment of this unique documentary collection in America.

Preserving and share the living memory of circus arts

The circus is a form of artistic expression whose heritage is difficult to archive, in particular because of the oral nature of its transmission over time and its ephemeral nature. In addition, the community’s needs and interests in terms of knowledge and research continue to grow and to diversify year after year.

The addition of books, old books, video recordings, show programs, manuscripts, photographs, posters and other documents of all kinds to the Library’s collections is essential to perpetuate the living memory and history of circus arts. To this end, the Library encourages companies, organizations and artists in the field to contribute to its collections, whether financially or materially. It also offers them the possibility of creating archival collections.

Materials donated to the Library are eligible for a tax receipt based on their market value.

To donate publications and archives to the Library, you can contact us by email at

To provide financial support to the Library, you can make a donation to the National Circus School Foundation.

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