The role of the National Circus School’s Prevention and Intervention Office (PIO) is to intervene when cases of discrimination, harassment, psychological violence and sexual violence occur within its establishment. PIO services are intended for the entire NCS community.
PIO offers a help line and support service to individuals who report a situation of bullying, harassment and/or psychological, physical and/or sexual violence. PIO workers welcome these individuals and accompany them before, during and after their report. The PIO is also responsible for coordinating prevention, training and intervention activities related to sexual violence at the NCS.
Help Line
To welcome and listen confidentially, impartially and without judgment, to the individual who discloses or reports a situation of violence or who wishes to file a complaint.
Provide information and advice to individuals who feel they are victims of harassment in the context of their studies or work at the NCS.
Offer support to the individual or refer him/her, according to his/her needs, to external resources specialized in various fields.
Assist the individual in his or her efforts, particularly in the preparation of the complaint and its progress.
Guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of the individual who reports a situation to the PIO.
As part of the application of its two Policies, the PIO offers training to all members of the community. Students, faculty, staff and employees of the NCS must complete mandatory training on harassment each year.
The Act to Prevent and Fight Sexual Violence in Higher Education Institutions, adopted by the Gouvernement du Québec in December 2017, requires such institutions to ensure healthy, safe and respectful places of study and work for all individuals attending them.
As of September 1, 2019, higher education establishments, of which the NCS is part of, are required to implement their own policy on the intervention and prevention of sexual violence. This policy must include mandatory training activities for all members of the establishment.
The PIO ensures the application of its Policy aimed at preventing and combating sexual violence as well as its Policy for the prevention and intervention against bullying, harassment and violence.
The PIO deploys its services according to two main orientations, namely prevention and treatment of situations that are reported. Through the training sessions it offers, the PIO aims to raise awareness and thus contribute to the prevention of bullying, psychological harassment and sexual violence within the NCS.
You believe you are or have been a victim of psychological, physical or sexual harassment? Have you witnessed a situation?
We invite you to make a report to one of the following individuals Please note that the response time is approximately 48 hours.
Alicia Brémond
NCS Student Services
514 982-0859, poste 243
Gabrielle Létourneau
Human Ressources
514 982-0859
Joëlle Thibault
514 208-1678
Policy to Prevent and Combat Sexual Violence
Policy to Prevent and Intervene Against Bullying, Harassment and Violence
For any emergency, dial 911.
JURIPOP-Legal Clinic
1 855 587-4767
450 396-9449
Crime Victims Assistance Center (CAVAC)
1 866 LE CAVAC
Help and Information Center on Workplace Harassment (GAIHST)
514 526-0789
CALACS (Centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel)
RQCALACS(Quebec Association of Sexual Assault and Support Centers)
514 529-5252
Sexual Violence Helpline
1 888 933-9007
Canadian Women’s Foundation
1 866 293-4483
Trêve pour Elles
514 251-0323
Montreal Police Department (SPVM)
Neighborhood Station 30
8930 Pie-IX boulevard (near 40th Street)
Montreal, Quebec H1Z 4H9
514 280-0130
CHU Notre-Dame
1560 Sherbrooke Street East
Montreal, Quebec H2L 4M1
514 413-8777
The Montreal Sexual Assault Centre (MSAC)
514 413-8999*
* Ask to speak to the on-call worker at the designated center for victims of sexual assault. Leave a message on his /her voicemail and he/she will call you back as soon as possible. It is not necessary to communicate directly with the emergency department of Hôpital Notre-Dame..
CHU Sainte-Justine (for children under 18)
3175, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, Quebec H3T 1C5
514 345-4721 (clinic for teenagers)
514 345-4866 (clinic for children)
514 345-4611 (emergency)
Montreal General Hospital
1650 Cedar Avenue
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4
514 934-1934
Montreal Children’ Hospital
1001 Décarie boulevard
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3J1
514 412-4400
514 412-4499 (emergency 24/7)
Ligne téléphonique d’urgence de la Direction des poursuites criminelles et pénales (DPCP)
1 888 933-9007
Ligne téléphonique d’information de la DPCP sur le dépôt d’une plainte auprès des policiers
1 877 547-3727